pirn meaning in english

Word: பிறன் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pi?n means
1. a newcomer in a place or locality
2. a foreigner.

Transliteration : piRṉ Other spellings : pirn

Meanings in english :

As noun :
another person some other one any other one stranger neighbor

Meaning of pirn in tamil

maṟṟaiyan / மற்றையான்
anniyan / அன்னியன்ayalan / அயலான்

Identical words :

As noun :
piṟankotkuṟal ( பிறன்கோட்கூறல் ) - adopting the sentiments
piṟanporul ( பிறன்பொருள் ) - property of anotherpiṟanmanaiyalmelachaippata ( பிறன்மனையாள்மேலாசைப்பட ) - to covet another man's wifepiṟanmanaivirumpamai ( பிறன்மனைவிரும்பாமை ) - not desiring another man's wife
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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