plkai meaning in english

Word: பலகை - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
plkai means
1. a flat slab of wood or other material for some specific purpose
2. lumber in such pieces; planking .
3. a thick slice of anything
4. a flat slab or surface, especially one bearing or intended to bear an inscription, carving, or the like.
5. a thin piece or plate of this rock or a similar material, used especially for roofing or as a writing surface.
6. a similar device, often of lightweight plastic, used by riot police to protect themselves from rocks and other thrown objects.

Transliteration : plkai Other spellings : plkai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
plank slab tablet slate shield buckler forehead bone

Meaning of plkai in tamil

marappalakaimutaliyana / மரப்பலகைமுதலியன
ketakam / கேடகம்neṟṟiyelumpu / நெற்றியெலும்பு

Identical words :

palakaikkalli ( பலகைக்கள்ளி ) - plantpalakaikkantam ( பலகைக்காந்தம் ) - flat loadstone barpalakaittarai ( பலகைத்தரை ) - land smoothed by drawing a board over itpalakaimaram ( பலகைமரம் ) - weaver's instrumentpalakaiyatikka ( பலகையடிக்க ) - to smooth a rice field with a boardpalakaiyaṟukka ( பலகையறுக்க ) - to saw a board
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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