puzungkl meaning in english
Word: புழுங்கல் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
puzungkl means
1. the act or process of perspiring .
2. to exude moisture, as green plants piled in a heap or cheese.
Transliteration : puẕungkl Other spellings : puzungkl
puzungkl means
1. the act or process of perspiring .
2. to exude moisture, as green plants piled in a heap or cheese.
Transliteration : puẕungkl Other spellings : puzungkl
Meanings in english :
Meaning of puzungkl in tamil
puzunkinataniyam / புழுங்கினதானியம்
chinakkuṟippu / சினக்குறிப்புpuzungku / புழுங்கு
Identical words :
puzunkaltuzava ( புழுங்கல்துழாவ ) - to sir boiled paddy as it dries in the sun
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