toni meaning in english
Word: தோணி - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
toni means
1. a small ship, generally for specialized use
2. anything resembling an arrow in form, function, or character.
3. Informal. scandalous or malicious assertions or information
4. ground of this kind, as wet, slimy soil of some depth or deep mud.
5. a special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.
Transliteration : tōṇi Other spellings : toni
toni means
1. a small ship, generally for specialized use
2. anything resembling an arrow in form, function, or character.
3. Informal. scandalous or malicious assertions or information
4. ground of this kind, as wet, slimy soil of some depth or deep mud.
5. a special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.
Transliteration : tōṇi Other spellings : toni
Meanings in english :
Meaning of toni in tamil
marakkalam / மரக்கலம்
irevati / இரேவதிmatiluṟuppu / மதிலுறுப்புampu / அம்புcheṟu / சேறுnir / நீர்chatu / சது
Identical words :
tonikaviza ( தோணிகவிழ ) - to be capsized or sunk as a dhoneytonitalla ( தோணிதள்ள ) - to launch a boattonitanka ( தோணிதாங்க ) - to pole a boattonivita ( தோணிவிட ) - to ply a baot
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