tukkm meaning in english

Word: தூக்கம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tukkm means
1. marked by or resulting from sleepiness.
2. brain-dead .
3. level, even, or without unevenness of surface, as land or tabletops.
4. lack of spirit or interest; listlessness; stagnation.
5. a condition of indolent indifference
6. causing boredom; tedious; uninteresting
7. an abnormally high body temperature.
8. a foulness or staleness, as one emanating from a standing pool of water.

Transliteration : tūkkm Other spellings : tukkm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
deadness languor lassitude fever
As adjective :

Meaning of tukkm in tamil

ayarvu / அயர்வு
chompu / சோம்புtalaiyachaippu / தலையசைப்புvattm / வாட்டம்tanivu / தணிவுvilaiyiṟakkam / விலையிறக்கம்mukachchorvu / முகச்சோர்வுapara natonkal / ஆபர ணதொங்கல்

Identical words :

tukkampitikka ( தூக்கம்பிடிக்க ) - to be drowsytukkamvita ( தூக்கம்விட ) - to put up hangings
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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