tulam meaning in english

Word: தூலம் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tulam means
1. the plant itself, having spreading branches and broad, lobed leaves.
2. such plants collectively, as when cultivated in lawns or used as pasture for grazing animals or cut and dried as hay.
3. bold, brave, or dauntless
4. capable of being touched or felt; tangible.

Transliteration : tūlam Other spellings : tulam

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of tulam in tamil

panchu / பஞ்சு
korai / கோரைstulm / ஸ்தூலம்prumai / பருமைpanchaputakariyatekam / பஞ்சபூதகாரியதேகம்vittu uttiram / வீட்டு உத்திரம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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