tumpu meaning in english

Word: தூம்பு - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tumpu means
1. Nautical. a navigable route between two bodies of water.
2. a channel at the eaves or on the roof of a building, for carrying off rain water.
3. to provide or equip with sewers
4. to violate the chastity of.
5. characteristic or habitual manner
6. a way or course
7. a structure for enclosing such an opening or entrance.
8. a means of access

Transliteration : tūmpu Other spellings : tumpu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
gutter gateway doorway lead

Meaning of tumpu in tamil

uttulai / உட்டுளை
chalatarai / சலதாரைerimataku / ஏரிமதகுmungkil / மூங்கில்aruneṟi / அருநெறிvzi / வழிvayil / வாயில்marakkal / மரக்கால்iym / ஈயம்
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