tampam meaning in english

Word: தம்பம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tampam means
1. Furniture. one of the principal uprights of a piece of furniture, as one supporting a chair back or forming one corner of a chest of drawers. Compare stump
2. a natural formation resembling such a construction
3. a decorative pillar, most often composed of stone and typically having a cylindrical or polygonal shaft with a capital and usually a base.
4. something resembling such a shaft.
5. a group of assistants to a manager, superintendent, or executive.
6. Also, walkingstick. Also called stick insect . any of several insects of the family Phasmidae, having a long, slender, twiglike body.
7. to sustain or withstand
8. any of a number of individual spars composing such a structure, as a topmast supported on trestletrees at the head of a lower mast .

Transliteration : tampam Other spellings : tampam

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of tampam in tamil

stmpm / ஸ்தம்பம்
tun / தூண்yanaittaṟi / யானைத்தறிpaṟṟukkotu / பற்றுக்கோடுnilai / நிலைkavacham / கவசம்changkitam / சங்கீதம்tuchastampam / துசஸ்தம்பம்tampalam / தம்பளம்

Identical words :

tampamniṟutta ( தம்பம்நிறுத்த ) - to set up a post
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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