tarippikka meaning in english
Word: தரிப்பிக்க - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tarippikka means
1. to have one's abode; dwell; reside
2. to stay behind or in the same place
3. faulty or imperfect.
4. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth
5. patient; long-suffering.
6. permission by law or government of the exercise of religions other than an established religion ; noninterference in matters of private faith and worship.
7. to tend the fire of
8. money or an equivalent, as a check, paid at the time of making a purchase.
Transliteration : tarippikka Other spellings : tarippikka
tankukai / தங்குகைnapakam / ஞாபகம்poṟut tirukkai / பொறுத் திருக்கைkontirukkai / கொண்டிருக்கைkutiyayirukkai / குடியாயிருக்கைkaiyiruppu / கையிருப்புniṟuttu kai / நிறுத்து கைiruppi tam / இருப்பி டம்truppu / தருப்பு
tarippikka means
1. to have one's abode; dwell; reside
2. to stay behind or in the same place
3. faulty or imperfect.
4. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth
5. patient; long-suffering.
6. permission by law or government of the exercise of religions other than an established religion ; noninterference in matters of private faith and worship.
7. to tend the fire of
8. money or an equivalent, as a check, paid at the time of making a purchase.
Transliteration : tarippikka Other spellings : tarippikka
Meanings in english :
to put on another to invest to confer titles honors staying remaining tarrying staying in the mind or memory toleration having holding possession dwelling permanently in a place trea sure stoke pause in reading speaking resting place in madras
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