tirnai meaning in english

Word: திரணை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tirnai means
1. a round or roundish body, of various sizes and materials, either hollow or solid, for use in games, as baseball, football, tennis, or golf.
2. a string of beads.
3. a piece of veal or other meat boned, rolled, and tied for roasting.
4. a natural formation resembling such a construction
5. the uppermost member of a classical entablature, consisting of a bed molding, a corona, and a cymatium, with rows of dentils, modillions, etc., often placed between the bed molding and the corona.

Transliteration : tirṇai Other spellings : tirnai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
chaplet fillet cornice

Meaning of tirnai in tamil

uruntai / உருண்டை
tirantatu / திரண்டதுvaikkoṟṟiranai / வைக்கோற்றிரணை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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