tntai meaning in english

Word: தந்தை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tntai means
1. a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist, writer, museum, cause, charity, institution, special event, or the like
2. a person who makes a bequest or endowment, as to an institution.
3. English History.
a person in charge of the kingdom during the sovereign's minority, incapacity, or absence.

Transliteration : tntai Other spellings : tntai

Meanings in english :

own father
patron benefactor protector

Meaning of tntai in tamil

pita / பிதா
tkppn / தகப்பன்

Identical words :

tantaivazichchuṟṟam ( தந்தைவழிச்சுற்றம் ) - relation on the father's sidetantaiyar ( தந்தையர் ) - 5tantaiyaikkolli ( தந்தையைக்கொல்லி ) - parri cide
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