tuntm meaning in english
Word: துண்டம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tuntm means
1. a look or expression on this part
2. this part as the organ of smell.
3. any similar horny mouthpart in other animals, as the turtle or duckbill.
4. a piece of paper money worth a specified amount
5. a quantity of some substance or material forming a single mass or body
6. an isolated, unfinished, or incomplete part
7. a removable boring head used on certain kinds of drills, as a rock drill.
8. Arithmetic. the operation inverse to multiplication; the finding of a quantity, the quotient, that when multiplied by a given quantity, the divisor, gives another given quantity, the dividend; the process of ascertaining how many times one number or quantity is contained in another.
Transliteration : tuṇṭm Other spellings : tuntm
tuntm means
1. a look or expression on this part
2. this part as the organ of smell.
3. any similar horny mouthpart in other animals, as the turtle or duckbill.
4. a piece of paper money worth a specified amount
5. a quantity of some substance or material forming a single mass or body
6. an isolated, unfinished, or incomplete part
7. a removable boring head used on certain kinds of drills, as a rock drill.
8. Arithmetic. the operation inverse to multiplication; the finding of a quantity, the quotient, that when multiplied by a given quantity, the divisor, gives another given quantity, the dividend; the process of ascertaining how many times one number or quantity is contained in another.
Transliteration : tuṇṭm Other spellings : tuntm
Meanings in english :
Meaning of tuntm in tamil
mukam / முகம்
பறவைமூக்கு / பறவைமூக்குயானைத்துதி க்கை / யானைத்துதி க்கைசாரைப்பாம்பு / சாரைப்பாம்புtunik kai / துணிக் கைtuni / துணிpirivu / பிரிவுkaivaykkal / கைவாய்க்கால்
Identical words :
tuntampota ( துண்டம்போட ) - to cut in pieces
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