turumpu meaning in english

Word: துரும்பு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
turumpu means
1. a mass of such stalks, especially after drying and threshing, used as fodder.
2. to dash, especially to dash forward for an attack or onslaught.
3. coin made of this metal; specie; money

Transliteration : turumpu Other spellings : turumpu

Meanings in english :

rush splinder silver trump c loc

Meaning of turumpu in tamil

tiranam / திரணம்

Identical words :

turumpukotukka ( துரும்புகொடுக்க ) - to give a straw to a wife in token of divorceturumpuvanka ( துரும்புவாங்க ) - to take the straw
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