urpatti meaning in english

Word: உற்பத்தி - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
u?patti means
1. the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring; childbirth ; parturition
2. rise or derivation from a particular source
3. the process of deriving.
4. a significant consequence or event
5. a product of such development; something evolved
6. fertilization; inception of pregnancy.

Transliteration : uRpatti Other spellings : urpatti

Meanings in english :

As noun :
derivation development Ex: Today, 64% of research and development (உற்பத்தி) funding comes from the private sector. conception

Meaning of urpatti in tamil

uṟpavam / உற்பவம்
piṟppu / பிறப்புkaruvuntakukai / கருவுண்டாகுகை

Identical words :

uṟpattistitilayam ( உற்பத்திஸ்திதிலயம் ) - creationuṟpattikkiramam ( உற்பத்திக்கிரமம் ) - genealogyuṟpattistitinacham ( உற்பத்திஸ்திதிநாசம் ) - origin or evolution
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