umiz meaning in english
Word: உமிழ் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
umiz means
1. the act or an instance of retching.
umiz means
1. the act or an instance of retching.
any food or drink that is repulsive.
Transliteration : umiẕ Other spellings : umiz
Transliteration : umiẕ Other spellings : umiz
Meanings in english :
to cast a liquid from the mouth
to spit to vomit retch puke eject from an over charged stomach to emit poison as from the fangs of a snake to discharge as arrows to eject as sparks of fire to emit as rays to cast forth as the flower does odor to yield honey as flowers to emit sound
Meaning of umiz in tamil
kiṟen / கிறேன்
nten / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்umiza / உமிழkoppalikka / கொப்பளிக்கumiya / உமியchattiyetukka / சத்தியெடுக்கchoriya / சொரிய
Identical words :
As noun :
umizvu ( உமிழ்வு ) - casting from the mouth
umizvu ( உமிழ்வு ) - casting from the mouth
umiznir ( உமிழ்நீர் ) - spittleumiznirkutikka ( உமிழ்நீர்குடிக்க ) - to have the mouth water for things
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