uttechi meaning in english

Word: உத்தேசி - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
uttechi means
1. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal .
2. to separate into constituent or elementary parts; break up; cause or disintegrate
3. to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.
4. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.
5. to form an opinion of; judge.

Transliteration : uttēci Other spellings : uttechi

Meanings in english :

As noun :
conjecture estimate

Meaning of uttechi in tamil

மதிப்பிடுபவன் / மதிப்பிடுபவன்
kkiṟen / க்கிறேன்tten / த்தேன்ppen / ப்பேன்kka / க்கtirmanikka / தீர்மானிக்கkaruta / கருத
Tamil to English
English To Tamil