uzappu meaning in english

Word: உழப்பு - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
uzappu means
1. to throw into disorder or confusion; disarrange
2. to throw into confusion; complicate.
3. to make unclear or indistinct
4. habit; custom
5. customary practice or use
6. something done or performed as a means of practice or training
7. an adequate or abundant amount of such power
8. Theology. continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

Transliteration : uẕappu Other spellings : uzappu

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of uzappu in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
உழப்பினேன் / உழப்பினேன்வே ன் / வே ன்உழப்ப / உழப்பகலக்க / கலக்கpzkkm / பழக்கம்ுயற்சி / முயற்சிkaittozil / கைத்தொழில்uyirmuyaṟchi / உயிர்முயற்சிvruttm / வருத்தம்vli / வலி
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