uraippu meaning in english

Word: உறைப்பு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
u?aippu means
1. terminating in an edge or point; not blunt or rounded
2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
3. austere simplicity, as of style, manner, or taste
4. sharp in character, spirit, or expression ; cutting; biting
5. to be the cause of a sharp, stinging pain, as an irritating application, a blow, etc.
6. great energy, strength, concentration, vehemence, etc., as of activity, thought, or feeling
7. extremely great or serious; crucial; critical
8. austere simplicity, as of style, manner, or taste

Transliteration : uRaippu Other spellings : uraippu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
intensity acuteness

Meaning of uraippu in tamil

karm / காரம்
kotumai / கொடுமைerivu / எரிவுtakkukai / தாக்குகைukkiram / உக்கிரம்ptivu / பதிவு

Identical words :

uṟaippukkatta ( உறைப்புக்காட்ட ) - to be pungent
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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