urinchu meaning in english

Word: உறிஞ்சு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
u?inchu means
1. to apply the lips or mouth to and draw upon by producing a partial vacuum, especially for extracting fluid contents
2. to clear the nose by so doing; sniffle .

Transliteration : uRiñcu Other spellings : urinchu

Meanings in english :

Meaning of urinchu in tamil

kiṟen / கிறேன்
uṟinchinen / உறிஞ்சினேன்ve n / வே ன்uṟincha / உறிஞ்சvaykkullizukka / வாய்க்குள்ளிழுக்கakkiranikka / ஆக்கிராணிக்கulleyizukka / உள்ளேயிழுக்க
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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