uruticholla meaning in english
Word: உறுதிசொல்ல - The tamil word have 10 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
u?uticholla means
1. to reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner
Transliteration : uRuticolla Other spellings : uruticholla
u?uticholla means
1. to reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner
Transliteration : uRuticolla Other spellings : uruticholla
Meanings in english :
to assure
speak firmly pledge one's word to inspire hope to console to give good moral advice admonish
Meaning of uruticholla in tamil
tiramakachcholla / திரமாகச்சொல்ல
nampikkaicholla / நம்பிக்கைசொல்லnaṟpotanai cheyya / நற்போதனை செய்ய
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