vrlaru meaning in english

Word: வரலாறு - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
vrla?u means
1. Usually, circumstances. the existing conditions or state of affairs surrounding and affecting an agent
2. particulars collectively; minutiae.
3. rise or derivation from a particular source
4. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

Transliteration : vrlāRu Other spellings : vrlaru

Meanings in english :

As adverb :
as follows
in its place circumstances adjuncts details origin example in grammar science of the use of words table of contents to wit on this wise

Meaning of vrlaru in tamil

as வருமாறு / as வருமாறு
changkati / சங்கதிmulam / மூலம்utaranam / உதாரணம்attvnai / அட்டவணைtirushtantam / திருஷ்டாந்தம்
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