vyiru meaning in english

Word: வயிறு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
vyi?u means
1. the stomach with its adjuncts.
2. such an organ or an analogous portion of the alimentary canal when divided into two or more sections or parts.
3. the place in which anything is formed or produced

Transliteration : vyiRu Other spellings : vyiru

Meanings in english :

As noun :
paunch stomach womb 171

Meaning of vyiru in tamil

utaram / உதரம்
karuppappai / கருப்பப்பை

Identical words :

As noun :
vayiṟuchampuranamakutal ( வயிறுசம்பூரணமாகுதல் ) - filling the stomach with foodvayiṟuporumutal ( வயிறுபொருமுதல் ) - puffing up of the belly
vayiṟulaiya ( வயிறுளைய ) - to suffer as in bringing forth youngvayiṟukanattukkolla ( வயிறுகனத்துக்கொள்ள ) - to have indigestionvayiṟukanta ( வயிறுகாந்த ) - to be pinched with hungervayiṟukuṟaiya ( வயிறுகுறைய ) - to be unsatisfied as hungervayiṟutalla ( வயிறுதள்ள ) - to be visibly preg nantvayiṟukaya ( வயிறுகாய ) - to hun gervayiṟukulira ( வயிறுகுளிர ) - to be satisfiedvayiṟutari ( வயிறுதாரி ) - glutton
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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