English to Tamil dictionary words starting with s
English to tamil dictionary has over 80,000 words translated in english with related examples, definitions and tamil meanings
s aacutes acircs dogs a hares eacutesa as the single tuskedsa cred assembly at madura or chillum brumsa cred or royal bathingsa cred pot painted with mystic diagramssa cred writingssa crificer who drinks the juice of the sarcostemmasa rasvatisa tietysa tisfactionsasabbathsable fishsac rificial animal or offeringsaccharsaccharine matter exuding from flowerssaccharum arundinaceumsaccharum officinarumsaccharum spontaneumsaccharumsacchorum spontaneumsacerdotal an tidote for a kind of poisonsacerdotal badgesack cloth of in dian hempsack clothsack made of coarse clothsacksacking clearingsacks made of coarse gunny clothsacrament of confirmation among the romanistssacrament of extreme unctionsacrament of the lords supper christian usagesacrament of the lords suppersacramentssacred ashes in linessacred ashes made of cow dungsacred ashes rub bed on ones forehead by a great person as a charm or for benefit to the soulsacred ashessacred banks of the gangessacred basilsacred bathing or anointing of the idol at chillumbrumsacred bathing place near ramisseramsacred bathing placesacred bathingsacred bay at rameseramsacred bead as the seed of the eliocarpussacred beads imbedded in gold or silversacred beads of the eleocarpus seedsacred beadssacred bhagavatasacred books or religion of the jainassacred bookssacred city in beharsacred dress of sivasacred earth used by vaishnuvas in marking their foreheadssacred fig treesacred fire kindled at a weddingsacred food commonly used in reference to offerings made in the templessacred footsacred forestsacred giftssacred golden mount one of the eight chief rangessacred grass and rice combined and put on the thighssacred hymnsacred incantation repeated by the brahmanssacred island of the hindus situated between ceylon and the continent of indiasacred landsacred language of the buddhistssacred mountainsacred namesacred offeringsacred or mystic part of the vedassacred periodical festivalsacred personsacred place near madrassacred place of pil grimage at allahabadsacred placesacred places of sivasacred plant among the hindussacred precept or practicesacred rehearsal in praise of a deitysacred reservoir at combaconumsacred river near benaressacred river that disembogues itself near cape comorinsacred riversacred riverssacred sea water of ra misseramsacred sea waters of ramisseramsacred shrine in a templesacred shrinesacred songsacred statutessacred stonesacred tank at bena ressacred tank at the temple in madurasacred tank of a temple where the idol is bathedsacred tank within the precincts of the great temple at ramisseramsacred tanksacred thingssacred time of an eclipsesacred time of the when to bestow gifts is very meritorioussacred to brahmasacred to sivasacred to the god of fire who is invoked as a witness to the transactionsacred to the god of firesacred to vishnusacred vedassacred water pot dedicated to the moonsacred watersacred waterssacred writings of the hindus the vedassacred writings severally or collectively as orally communicated embracing the agamassacred writingssacredsacri ficial ramsacrifi cial cord of the three superior castessacrifice for twelve yearssacrifice of a cow a great virtue for those who can restore it to lifesacrifice of a horsesacrifice of an animalsacrifice of lifesacrifice of which all partake from one vesselsacrifice offered to obtain childrensacrifice performed only by a universal monarch attended by his vanquished tributary princessacrificesacrificed his son to supply the mendicant with foodsacrifices offered to the manessacrificessacrificial ceremony causing deathsacrificial fire placesacrificial fire wood of different kindssacrificial firesacrificial fuel of nine kinds of trees or plantssacrificial grass around gheesacrificial grasssacrificial hallsacrificial moundsacrificial pitsacrificial potsacrilegesacristan or sexton of a churchsad countenancesadsaddle for a horsesaddle girthsaddle makersaddle of a horsesaddle or pillion for a horsesaddlesaddlessadhasadhakasaditionsadness of countenance through sorrowsadness which brings tears from the eyessadnesssafe child birth after the full period of gestationsafe guard for the feetsafe guardsafe placesafe voyage or journeysafeguardsafelysafenesssafetysafflowersaffron and other powders used at a templesaffron color of a sanni yasis dresssaffron colorsaffron colored ricesaffron colored silksaffron ochresaffron odorsaffron of a deep yellowsaffron or turmeric powders cast on guests at a marriagesaffron powder mixed in the water in which an idol is bathedsaffron stonesaffronsaga citysagacious mansagacioussagacitysage agastyasage known as a teacher of archerysage remarkssage skilful on the lyre naradasage who by devotion is supposed to have obtained omnisciencesage who composed a treatise on medicine and moralssage who taught a modified system of the yoga philosophysagesagenesssages of the jaina sectsages persons of clear understandingsagessagi tarius of the zodiacsagitta ria obtusifoliasagittarius of the zodiac
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