Abandon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Abandon
As noun : अपने को (दुराचार आदि में) छोड देना Ex:  she danced with abandon
उन्माद Ex:  The board of directors had perforce to abandon the examinations. उ:   उन्माद में सर्वप्रथम मूलभूत कारणों का निर्धारण अवश्य कर लेना चाहिए। उन्मुक्तता Ex:  Admiral Halsey ordered Captain Ingersoll to abandon ship. के वशीभूत हो जाना Ex:  To abandon these notions of freedom would be to abandon moral responsibility. खाली करना Ex:  Amalric still refused to abandon his dream of conquering Egypt चित्तविप्लव Ex:  Wehrmacht forces were forced to abandon Yelnya, sustaining heavy casualties. चित्तविभ्रम Ex:  Yeltsin promised to abandon some his more unpopular economic reforms जनूँ Ex:  He did not abandon mathematics completely परित्याग करना Ex:  Action offer someone something thing of him abandon the property or he is made to Present and परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex:  Action to abandon or, Most often, this action results प्रामाद्य Ex:  Agriculture reported an arable land is allowed to rest or we abandon प्रैष Ex:  and He put the rein, To abandon his own will, let him complete freedom to act बलकौँहाँ Ex:  At first loss, false friends abandon us बहिष्कार करना Ex:  EXIT Yield also means, abandon बिना आज्ञा नौकरी छोडना Ex:  Figuratively it means simply abandon that profession it was to believe, to love, to practice बिना आज्ञा नौकरी छोड़ना Ex:  Fits grammar of sentence by which we abandon a construction started to take another बेँड़ना Ex:  If fortune abandon you, do not give you बेपरवाइ Ex:  In terms of Hunting, Cut the track, says Dogs who abandon the path to join soon the beast, when she made detours This is a default बेफ़िक्री Ex:  Is responsible for the conduct of a young man driving abandon someone बेफिक्र Ex:  It also means Limply, with abandon उ:   बंदूकधारियों के लिए पीछे की सीट पर बैठे सैनिक बेफिक्र थे। मोकना Ex:  It also said that an excessive enthusiasm, a kind of transportation which we abandon यकसू Ex:  It costs abandon of old habits रिताना Ex:  It is, by extension and familiarly, we abandon the old clothes because you no longer want to wear the रोक देना Ex:  It is, by extension, in terms of medicine, the Simple moving some bodies who abandon their natural position लापरवा Ex:  It should not abandon his parents लावबाली Ex:  It was a crime among the Greeks to abandon his shield सौंप देना Ex:  Leave abandon something someone स्वच्छन्दता Ex:  Meeting people each should enjoy viagèrement interest of its capital and then abandon the survivors who will share annuities स्वछन्दता Ex:  Quit completely abandon
Other : आत्मसमर्पण करना Ex:  felt a joyous abandon छोड़ देना Ex:  Vincent failed at his studies and had to abandon them. त्याग करना Ex:  Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would abandon the Brezhnev Doctrine त्याग देना Ex:  Evans finally gave the order to abandon ship. बेफिक्री Ex:  It also means the Somme that we abandon the one who is responsible to make a recipe, recovery, commission, and it adds to his salary, or he takes the place
Abandon ki paribhasha : kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana vah rog jisamen man aur buddhi ka kaaryakram bigad jaata hai
Abandon synonyms
spontaneity freedom thoughtlessness recklessness licentiousness impulse wantonness unrestraint wildness uninhibitedness quit drop out pull out dump ditch discontinue stop withdraw vacate discard surrender desert screw abdicate yield duck dust back out bail out bow out chicken out cop out cut loose opt out throw over walk out on flake out fly the coop give up the ship kiss goodbye leg it let go run out on ship out storm out take a powder take a walk wash hands of renounce reject forsake disown jilt
Abandon antonyms
self-restraint remain persevere cherish assert uphold come stay continue begin start keep maintain advance go allow defend pursue retain support adopt favor approve
Usage of Abandon in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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