Abashed meaning in hindi
As noun : कनौड़, कनौड़ा
शर्मिंदा उ: वह शर्मिंदा होती है कि उसने शालू के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया। संह्लीण ह्रित
As verb : अवाङमुख Ex:  Who is embarrassed, ashamed, abashed by the fact of a setback or disappointment कनौड़, कनौड़ा पशेमान लज्जित उ: उसका रूप देखकर अप्सराएँ भी लज्जित हो जातीं। व्रीलस सवैलक्ष्य सव्रीड सापत्नप स्रस्तस्कंध ह्रित ह्रेपित
Other : खिसियाना
ExamplesAbashed synonyms
discombobulated bewildered confounded humiliated confused disconcerted embarrassed shamed ashamed chagrined humbled fazed mortified bugged rattled fuddled crushed in a tizzy taken aback Abashed antonyms
understanding composed clear oriented at ease emboldened proud reassured Usage of Abashed in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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