Abeyance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Abeyance
As noun : क्षणिक विराम
छेती टिहुक थोडे समय के लिये अकर्मण्यता थोड़े समय के लिये अकर्मण्यता प्रसुप्तावस्था प्रास्थगन रुकवट रुकाव उ:   यही रुकाव हवाईवी में ओकीना कहलाता है। विलंब स्थगन
Abeyance ki paribhasha : ek snvatsar ka naam
Abeyance synonyms
inactivity dormancy recess remission latency intermission postponement quiescence suspension discontinuation waiting temporarily deferred
Abeyance antonyms
continuation continuance renewal revival action activity operation
Usage of Abeyance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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