Abolitionism meaning in hindi
As noun : उन्मूलनवाद Ex:  Garrison recruited him to the cause of American abolitionism and O'Connell
दासता उन्मूलन आंदोलन Ex:  American abolitionism began very early
ExamplesAbolitionism synonyms
autonomy exemption democracy self-determination liberation emancipation relief privilege release sovereignty self-government immunity prerogative rescue salvage autarchy liberty delivery impunity disengagement deliverance abolition probation franchise discharge manumission parole salvation redemption home rule citizenship enfranchisement disimprisonment extriction representative government Abolitionism antonyms
incarceration hold captivity confinement limitation servitude slavery communism government subordination suppression restriction responsibility imprisonment restraint retention subjection difficulty reserve Usage of Abolitionism in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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