Abound meaning in hindi
As noun : फटा पड़ना Ex:  Health problems abound
As verb :
अँटना Ex:  Oranges abound in Nagpur. अधिकता से उत्पन्न होना Ex:  Coconut trees abound in the Pacific's tropical islands. काफी होना Ex:  Heraldic societies abound in the world today in Africa प्रचुर होना Ex:  Amateur football clubs abound फट पडना Ex:  Explanations abound but rationales such as that it neutralizes acid बहुत फैला होना Ex:  "His relations with women abound in enigma. बहुत होना Ex:  Examples of this Victorian architecture still abound in Melbourne. बहुतायात से होना Ex:  Various regional styles of folk music abound in Aragon भरपूर या परिपूर्ण रहना Ex:  abound in meaning someone Talking in a manner entirely consistent with the opinion of someone भरपूर वा परिपूर्ण रहना Ex:  abound of goods विपुल होना Ex:  Commodities abound in this country सन्निवेश Ex:  It says figuratively Reviews, writings which spread rapidly, which abound
Other : परिपूर्ण होना Ex:  Nightclubs and bars are abound in Managua बह निकलना Ex:  Theories abound regarding the motives behind the killing भरपूर होना Ex:  Action abound भरा रहना Ex:  All things abound
Abound ki paribhasha : jisamen koi kami na ho vistaara, snkhya ya parimaan men bahut adhik
ExamplesAbound synonyms
proliferate flourish thrive teem crowd swell flow swarm infest overflow be alive with be all over the place be knee deep in be no end to be plentiful be thick with crawl with have a full plate be up to one's ears in Abound antonyms
languish retreat lack need decline fail deficient short want Usage of Abound in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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