About meaning in hindi

How to pronounce About
As adverb :
अर्वाक Ex:  careless about her clothes आस पास Ex:  They are distributing leaflets about the demonstration. आसंबाध Ex:  He spoke feelingly about his family. इतवत Ex:  Tourists were gadding about in Goa. इतस्ततः Ex:  We have no doubts about his probity. इतौत Ex:  She was quite explicit about why she has left. इधर उधर Ex:  have you heard about it उद्गगत Ex:  she gets uptight about the exams. करीबन Ex:  Discuss about it. उ:   यहां पर बर्फ करीबन तीन फीट तक गहरी होती है। कर्बोजवार Ex:  My neighbour keeps carping about her family. कारण रूप होना Ex:  he spoke apologetically about his past के चारों ओर Ex:  The leader made declaimation about his party. क्रमानुसार Ex:  People had fallacies about Chandraswami. उ:   शासन द्वारा निर्धारित दर पर गैस क्रमानुसार प्राप्‍त हो। खड़भड़ Ex:  My mothers consolation allayed doubts about my own abilities. चलता फिरता Ex:  cows milk contains about 4.7% lactose चारौं तरफ़ Ex:  She is really very picky about their food. छितनार Ex:  My brother is very pessimistic about his future. जहाँ तहाँ Ex:  He has decided views about that book. थोडा बहुत Ex:  She spoke quite dementedly about the incident. थोड़ा बहुत Ex:  The two buildings stood about 50m apart. निसंबाध Ex:  She kept fussing about her dress. पच्छैं Ex:  Ramila talks about the philological work. पछिल Ex:  Nowadays students razzed about their teachers. पछेव Ex:  He defended him about his claims. पछै Ex:  He complained to the police about his neighbours mischieves. पछ्छ Ex:  Mr. J.P. told our reuter about the incident. परिणाहवान् Ex:  I have my reservations about the scheme. पर्यायशः Ex:  You are always complaining about me . पाछे ‡ Ex:  I corresponded about this with my brother . पाछें ‡ Ex:  We corresponded about Fred . पिछछी Ex:  Tim has been dawdling about all morning . पीछे Ex:  We differ about that . उ:   इसके पीछे पानी की कमी प्रमुख कारण था। पृष्ठतः Ex:  The moths were f luttering about the lightbulb . प्रकीन Ex:  I warned you about this from git-go . प्रपीत Ex:  Tease Joe about his girlfriend . प्रोच्छून Ex:  Andy is idling about today . फैला हुआ Ex:  I joked about Andy with Fran . बहुत हो गया Ex:  Sally was knocking about France with her friends . बाक्सी Ex:  Max knocked his brother about . बियापित Ex:  Jane has always had her own ideas about things . भिन्न दिशाओं में Ex:  Max breezed in from Vegas and asked about Lefty . में व्यस्त Ex:  Then they questioned Claire about Roger . यत्रतत्र Ex:  Stop yapping about Molly . उ:   यत्रतत्र उर्दू और पंजाबी का पुठ भी है। यहाँ वहाँ Ex:  The Tatars constituted about 25% of the Crimean population. लगभग Ex:  Many of these are about Skanderbeg उ:   भारत की लगभग ७०% चीनी उत्तर प्रदेश से आती है। लिये तैयार है Ex:  From about the 2nd century BC वितत Ex:  Hungarians constituting about 90% of the population विषक्त Ex:  Turin had about 90,000 inhabitants at the time. विषय के बारे में Ex:  Salt Lake City sees about 60 inches विष्कन्न Ex:  When Duke Jing of Qi asked about government विष्टारी Ex:  Curiosity about the victims led to the re-release of Tate's films संतानक Ex:  When Cortés heard about the other group, he went and defeated them. संबंध में Ex:  Goukouni had made about 2,500 prisoners with these successes and those in 1977 साठनाठ Ex:  The Allies had about 73,000 soldiers पास उ:   पास में ही गुप्त लिंग है।
Other : आसपास में Ex:  He is thinking about the sky. आसपास Ex:  I was mousing about on the pavement. उ:   ईजबर्ग पहाड़ के आसपास लोहे तथा कोयले की खानें हैं। के पास Ex:  I am very selective about my diet. के बारे में Ex:  She was moving about on the pavement. के विषय में Ex:  The puppies are tumbling about in the grass. घटित होना Ex:  Other structural conventions come about as the result of historical accidents चारो ओर Ex:  What would a city brat know about milking. निकट Ex:  The tourists inquired about the route. उ:   इस कारण विजय के निकट पहुंचकर भी सिख सेना हार गई। निसबत Ex:  What Nostradomous predicated about the world, centuries ago, has been happening. परितः Ex:  she ranted on at me about my mistakes. उ:   परा परितः यातूनां... रक्षसाम्। बाबत Ex:  They were laughing about my haircut . मद्धे Ex:  She came traipsing in at about midnight . लगा हुआ Ex:  Jefferson's conclusions about the Bible are noteworthy. हो जाना Ex:  Books have been written about interpretations of the film.
About ki paribhasha : snbndh men jisase vishesh antar na ho ek avyay jis ka prayog simaa, abhivyatki, ishat aur atikraman ke arthoan men hota hai jo kaam men aane ke liye bilakul upayukt ho gaya ho bhedon ke baal katarane ki kainchi ka dasta jidhar muanh ho usaki viruddh disha men
About synonyms
around back backward in reverse any which way anyhow here and there almost nearly roughly approximately practically in general in the ball park in the neighborhood pretty nearly apropos regarding touching as concerns as respects dealing with in connection with in relation to in respect to referring to relative to touching on nearby adjacent beside through surrounding throughout encircling
About antonyms
afar away distant remote
Usage of About in sentences

The word is used as adverb preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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