Above meaning in hindi
As noun : इससे ऊपर Ex: Grades D and above are considered unsatisfactory.
उपरौंछा Ex: I place her above all others in honesty . उपर्युक्त Ex: She placed herself above almost everyone else . उ: उपर्युक्त केंचुए का वर्णन इसी का है। ऊपर का Ex: 'Dormancy' is covered above ऊपलो Ex: The next session of Parliament begins under the procedures described above ऊर्द्ध्व Ex: Paley stood – stands – head and shoulders above everyone else. के ऊपर Ex: 12 and 2 days with humidex readings above 30 °C , 35 °C and 40 °C respectively. से ऊपर Ex: Looking at the above formulas for energy
As adverb : अगड़धत्ता Ex: He towers above his father. अट्ट Ex: The deal should be above board. उच्चतरु Ex: Only the crocodiles snout is visible above the water. उच्चे Ex: He is a probation officer above ten candidates. उड़ध Ex: All the citizens have got suffrage who are above 1.years. उढ्ढ Ex: it will take money, good planning and, above all, teamwork उतंग Ex: Climb above the snow line. उदक् Ex: The plane is now directly above us . उदूढ Ex: None of us is above the law . उद्दंतुर Ex: Doing what you ask goes above and beyond my duty . उद्धूत Ex: This wine is head and shoulders above that one . ऊँचा Ex: Sometimes two or more wings are stacked one above the other. उ: इसका वृक्ष-८ मी. तक ऊँचा होता है। ऊँचो Ex: For flight near or above the speed of sound ऊर्द्ध्व Ex: Paley stood – stands – head and shoulders above everyone else. तुंगी Ex: 1/2000th of an inch above the floor. बटाक ‡ Ex: The equilibrium is actually more complex than shown above मुअल्ला Ex: Akin to the "neoplatonic maxim" of "as above लमतड़ंग Ex: The logics discussed above are all "bivalent" or "two-valued" वकीअ Ex: Of the above eight varieties समुच्छित Ex: Philidor and, above all, Grétry. समुत्कट Ex: Dushanbe is located on the southern slopes above the Kafirnigan valley. सोत्सेध Ex: Only one of those six medals was above bronze.
Other : उढ्ढ Ex: it will take money, good planning and, above all, teamwork उपर Ex: John stands head and shoulders above Bob . उ: उसके उपर कोमल कांटे होते हैं। उपरि Ex: We used to live above a small grocery store . उ: उपरि यानी ऊपर का और आवर्त यानी चारों और घुमाना। उपरोक्त Ex: I placed the book above Sally on a shelf . उ: उपरोक्त विवरण लचीले हैं। उपर्युक्त बात या विषय Ex: She seems to place money above her family . उप्पर Ex: Gene set his job above his family . उरधंत Ex: I value her above all things . उलछारना् Ex: These masts must still be hoisted above the surface उस पार या ओर Ex: The above velocities are typical. ऊंचा Ex: Aside from the similarities noted above उ: यह पत्थर से बना दुनिया का सबसे ऊंचा बांध है। ऊपर कहा हुआ Ex: The highest point is 8 meters above sea level. ऊपर Ex: Although Floyd's track prediction was above average while out at sea उ: हॉग्सन ने इस भाषा के ऊपर प्रचुर प्रकाश डाला है। ऊपरि Ex: 14 feet above flood stage ऊर्दध्व Ex: Echuca on the map above is very close to Barmah. के परे Ex: Hot days above 30 °C have occurred as early as March or as late as October के बाहर Ex: The above of the basic plane corresponds to the looseness and to lightness खाए Ex: At frequencies above 1 GHz उ: कुछ पदार्थ केवल उबालकर खाए जाते हैं। परे Ex: At 4,807 metres above sea-level उ: इसे लघुरूप में परे कहा जाता है। बर Ex: One of the best viewpoints is located at Grandview Terrace, above the Museum. उ: बर अकसर सहमति पूरी तरह या आंशिक रूप से मजबूर किया जा सकता है। मुख्य Ex: Conversely, at the poles the Sun never rises more than 0.01° above the horizon. उ: इन गांवों की मुख्य आबादी जनजातीय है। सिवा Ex: Schleiermacher divides the dialogues thus: The final three dialogues above उ: विप्रजाति के सिवा किसी को मत तलवार उठाने दो। से अच्छा Ex: When leaving the city the S-Bahn travels above ground. से अधिक Ex: In addition to the above से परे Ex: There are movements that are not easily placed in any of the above categories से श्रेष्ठ Ex: Unlike the above denominations
Above ki paribhasha : vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai vah aadami jo kuean ki jagat par mot ka paani ulatata hai jo door tak oopar ki or gaya ho
ExamplesAbove synonyms
raised over overhead aloft atop beyond upon on high on top of exceeding greater than larger than before prior to surpassing Above antonyms
below under deficient fewer less inferior Usage of Above in sentences
The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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