Abruptly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Abruptly
As noun : अशिष्टता से Ex:  In March 1868 Van Gogh abruptly left school and returned home.
As adverb :
अचांक Ex:  After abruptly losing Fenchurch and travelling around the galaxy despondently अचांका Ex:  Kubrick abruptly terminated the friendship soon after the film was complete. अचांचकं Ex:  After that, the band abruptly cancelled a European tour, claiming exhaustion. अचानक ही Ex:  Steep cliffs along much of the coast rise abruptly to a central plateau. अचानक Ex:  Botha resigned from the presidency abruptly on August 14 उ:   अचानक उस व्यक्ति ने उठकर गाड़ी की जंजीर खींच दी। अचानिक Ex:  Operation Quartz, scheduled for 4 March, was abruptly called off. अनघोरी० Ex:  Andrade's position at the Department of Culture was abruptly revoked in 1937 अनायस Ex:  Orta abruptly demanded to be let out of the mission आकस्मिक रुप से Ex:  The population boom ended abruptly in the mid-1980s आपाततह Ex:  The mission ended abruptly when news reached it of the Elector's death इत्तफाकन् Ex:  This social mobility ended abruptly with the onset of colonial administration. कजाकार Ex:  The land to the west of this rises abruptly नागहाँ Ex:  The Tihamah ends abruptly at the escarpment of the western highlands. यकबारगी Ex:  Afresh abruptly रूखेपन से Ex:  By extension, the transition Appliances, household transitions, Do not spend too abruptly from one state to another सहसा Ex:  Exorde abruptly उ:   सहसा वे तीनों उस नदी में छलांग लगा गए।
Other : औचक Ex:  JRTV abruptly ended the transmission. शीघ्रता से Ex:  Dismiss, either abruptly or, more often, with shapes, someone begging
Abruptly ki paribhasha : jaise,—sahasa aaandhi aayi aur chaaron or andhakaar chha gaya
Abruptly synonyms
suddenly unexpectedly precipitously all of a sudden unanticipatedly
Usage of Abruptly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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