Absent meaning in hindi
As verb : अनुपस्थित होना Ex:  He was absent from the chemistry class.
खोया खोया Ex:  Circulatory systems are absent in some animals, including flatworms . नहि Ex:  Female Asians have tusks which are very small or absent altogether. उ: इस माल के खरीद के तारीख पर विचार नहि किया जाता है। नहिँन Ex:  44,” in various situations where the moral sense of humankind is absent नहीं Ex:  A further characteristic of the fungi that is absent from other eukaryotes उ: कंगारू के पैरों में अँगूठे नहीं होते। नाहिनै Ex:  May was absent when the band started work on their third album नो Ex:  They are absent from the Bay of Bengal and Hudson Bay उ: नो योर फ़ैक्ट्स बेथीस्डा प्रेस, २००५।
As adjective : अनुपस्थित Ex:  He always absent in the class. उ: फिल्म से अनुपस्थित होने वाला एक और चरित्र तबाकी सियार है। अपने को उपस्थित न रखना Ex:  I was docked for being absent for half a day . अवर्तमान Ex:  In some species, paired stipules are not obvious or are absent altogether. कहीं गया हुआ Ex:  Harris had been absent from a class test that morning. गैर हाज़िर Ex:  The core may in fact be absent विप्रोषित Ex:  Captain Ross, the governor, is now absent at the Cape". शून्यमन Ex:  Though pre-rendered backgrounds are not entirely absent
Other : अप्राप्त Ex:  This low had formed overnight, so was absent from Friday's weather map. उ: फलतः वहाँ अप्राप्त शब्दों का इसमें संकलन है। ग़ैरहाज़िर Ex:  They are absent from the North Atlantic गुम Ex:  Socrates is either absent or a minor figure in the discussion. उ: इस चित्र को देखकर वह अपने अतीत की स्मृतियों में गुम हो जाती है। गैरहाजिर Ex:  Fred, Daphne, and Velma are normally absent नदारद Ex:  Most, absent or present, lost their land after the war. बेपरवाह Ex:  Alexander is notably absent from the accounts describing it. हट जाना Ex:  Fruit soups are uncommon or absent in the cuisines of the Americas
Absent ki paribhasha : bimaar
ExamplesAbsent synonyms
away removed vanished missing ghost gone astray elsewhere hooky awol no-show nobody home unavailable lacking vacant nonexistent devoid empty blank wanting hollow bare omitted minus vacuous Absent antonyms
attending existing sufficient present abundant filled full complete Usage of Absent in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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