Absolutist meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Absolutist
As noun : आटीक्रैट Ex:  Rothbard bases his philosophy on absolutist natural law grounds
उच्छंखल Ex:  Friedman says he is not an absolutist rights theorist उच्छासन Ex:  absolutist Processes निरंकुश Ex:  substantively, An absolutist उ:   प्रथम, समस्त देश पर राजा की सत्ता को पूर्णतसया निरंकुश बनाया जाये। निरंकुशतावादी Ex:  Theories absolutist निरश्अंकुस निर्यंत्रण परम तत्ववादी स्वेच्छाचारितावादी स्वैराचारी
Absolutist ki paribhasha : aisa shaasak jo manamaane dhng se shaasan karata ho aur shaasiton ke hit ka dhyaan na rakhata ho jisake liye koi ankush ya prati- bndh na ho
Absolutist synonyms
full dictatorial arbitrary totalitarian sovereign autocratic autonomous despotic preeminent supreme tyrannical disciplinarian tycoon fascist commander chief boss leader adviser magnate mogul oppressor ringleader usurper oligarch hitler slavedriver bully inquisitor martinet slave driver stalin absolute ruler absolutistic autarchic autarchical autocratical big brother fuhrer man on horseback
Absolutist antonyms
democratic accountable restricted tractable complaisant compliant submissive conditional imperfect circumscribed limited yielding dependent partial flawed follower employee worker
Usage of Absolutist in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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