Absorbed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Absorbed
As noun : पैवस्त, पैवस्ता Ex:  The area was absorbed into the Byzantine empire in the 850s.
सोखा हुआ Ex:  Galloway was not in fact fully absorbed by Scotland until 1235
As verb : उपारत Ex:  Most of this territory was absorbed into the Kingdom of Italy in 1860 डूबा Ex:  Standard Oil had absorbed 22 of its 26 Cleveland competitors. उ:   "मैं बड़ी तेजी से डूबा जा रहा था", वार्ड ने बाद में कहा था। तन्मय Ex:  In plants using photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere. तल्लीन Ex:  When absorbed in thought उ:   मन, वचन, कर्म से वह पूर्णतः शिवार्चन में ही तल्लीन रहता था। मगन Ex:  Fully absorbed into the Serbian Kingdom until the end of the 12th लवलीन Ex:  These molecules are then absorbed as nutrients into the fungal cells. लालस Ex:  Light at these wavelengths is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere सम्मग्न Ex:  All of these have been absorbed into the general Cape Verdean population.
As adjective : अन्तर्लीन Ex:  I was totally absorbed in the novel. अवशोषित Ex:  so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality उ:   विषैली गैस कोयले में अवशोषित हो जाती थी। आमेलित Ex:  Jane is absorbed in that computer . पूर्ण रूप से नियुक्त Ex:  If the photon energy is absorbed मग्न होना या सोखा हुआ Ex:  If a toxic dose was absorbed संविलीन Ex:  As a photon is absorbed by an atom
Other : आत्मसात् Ex:  Henry absorbed the spilled milk with a sponge . निमग्न Ex:  Argentina absorbed millions of immigrants उ:   दीक्षा ग्रहण करने के बाद ये गंभीर साधना में निमग्न हो गये। निरत Ex:  It was soon absorbed into the CPR and expanded everywhere the CPR went. मग्न Ex:  Its surrounding villages were absorbed and rebuilt as mikroraions उ:   उन्होंने केशलुंचन किया और दिगम्बर मुद्रा में ध्यान मग्न हो गए। लगा हुआ Ex:  Yorktown absorbed both Japanese attacks लिप्त Ex:  Since X-rays are absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere उ:   में लिप्त होने के लिए बर्ख़ास्त कर सकता है। लीन Ex:  The earth's surface emits the absorbed radiation उ:   राधा और कृष्ण सदा विहार में लीन रहते हैं। विलीन Ex:  Many of the indigenous peoples were absorbed into the mestizo population उ:   ब्रैंकियोपॉड विलीन होने लगे थे।
Absorbed ki paribhasha : jo kisi kaam men bahut hi magn ho
Absorbed synonyms
preoccupied involved engaged engrossed fascinated gone immersed fixed lost held head over heels intent rapt captivated consumed deep in thought really into up to here wrapped up
Absorbed antonyms
bored disinterested uninterested existing indifferent unoccupied disenthralled distracted
Usage of Absorbed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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