Abstinence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Abstinence
As noun : उपभो Ex:  He is keeping total abstinence from alcohol.
परहेज करना Ex:  A strict diet, a strict diet , abstinence almost entirely परहेज़ Ex:  Breaking the Lenten break Lent, Stop observe the Lenten abstinence and eating meat defended उ:   आहार परहेज़ सेल्युलाईट से बचने का एक अच्छा तरीका है। प्रविरति Ex:  Eat little, that we should eat less or even not eating at all, either by voluntary withdrawal, either by forced abstinence and lack of food
Other : मद्यत्याग Ex:  Exhausted fasting and abstinence मिताहार Ex:  He was ordered to great abstinence
Abstinence synonyms
frugality moderation chastity self-restraint temperance sobriety continence soberness renunciation forbearance abnegation self-denial self-control teetotalism avoidance abstemiousness fasting asceticism abstaining refraining
Abstinence antonyms
drunkenness indulgence intemperance intoxication revelry self-indulgence excess
Usage of Abstinence in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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