Abstinent meaning in hindi
Other : परहेजगार
Abstinent ki paribhasha : buraaiyon se bachanevaala man aur indriyon ko vash men rakhanevaala
ExamplesAbstinent synonyms
austere frugal restrained sparing self-denying self-restrained moderating spartan strict disciplined abstaining celibate inhibited modest abstentious bridled curbed tame cautious limited soft steady conservative pleasant gentle mild bearable reasonable balanced tolerant neutral tolerable middle-of-the-road even controlled deliberate considered nonpartisan straight pacific midway reserved measured cool careful considerate dispassionate equable impartial inexpensive judicious low-key monotonous peaceable tranquil untroubled inconsiderable compromising not excessive dry cold sober drying out free of alcohol nonindulgent not drinking not drunk not partaking of alcohol period of abstinence stone cold sober sworn off took the pledge unintoxicated prudish rigid conforming moral priggish prim prissy stern stuffy serious calm sedate self-possessed clear-headed self-restraining teetotalist nondrinker prohibitionist one who is on the wagon temperance advocate water-drinker Abstinent antonyms
gluttonous greedy hungry impure incontinent unchaste unmanageable incautious unlimited unacceptable intolerable unbearable biased agitated unfair excited extroverted friendly excessive immoderate extravagant violent wild bright harsh loud rough strong imbalanced prejudiced different partial outgoing extreme outrageous uncontrolled unreasonable unrestrained considerable liberal significant excitable drunk inebriated irrational stormy drinker Usage of Abstinent in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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