Abstraction meaning in hindi
As noun : अटकलपच्चू Ex:  At the same time, a phoneme is an abstraction from language – not a sound
अन्यमनस्कता Ex:  They tried to find the simplest abstraction that would make a baby smile". अमूर्त प्रत्यय Ex:  The Windows NT hardware abstraction layer अमूर्तता Ex:  Rather than attempt to define intentions in abstraction from actions अमूर्तन Ex:  Weber conceded that employing "Ideal Types" was an abstraction अमूर्तीकरण Ex:  The plural form ending in -im can also be understood as denoting abstraction उ: ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि वह किसी ‘आकार‘ का अमूर्तीकरण नहीं। उड़ियाँना Ex:  Moving to a greater level of abstraction उदभाव Ex:  Modernist sculpture movements include Geometric abstraction कपोल कल्पना Ex:  Excessive abstraction of water for use in industry, irrigation, etc. कल्पना मात्र Ex:  It should be noted that the length of the vowel is a grammatical abstraction कल्पना Ex:  Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning उ: कल्पना आत्मिक और ललित कल्पना यांत्रिक होती है। ख़याल Ex:  The first abstraction was probably that of numbers. उ: } कृपया अन्य सदस्यों से बातचीत करते समय भाषा का ख़याल रखें। गपोडा़ Ex:  Abstract Terme term for a quality considered by abstraction alone and separated from the subject, as opposed to concrete Terme तखय्यल Ex:  Consider separately by abstraction things that are united तसव्वुर Ex:  It is sometimes said, in a bad sense, to designate a chimeric Spirit and who lives in abstraction ध्यान की एकाग्रता Ex:  The artist who engraves a table is color abstraction to give only values पृथक्करण Ex:  Who participates abstraction उ: निओडिमियम से इसका पृथक्करण कुछ कठिन होता है। प्रेप्सा बुद्धिविलास भाववाचक शब्द वैचित्य शून्य मनस्कता शून्यमनस्कता संक्षेप करण संक्षेपण उ: मूल पाठ से संक्षेपण में अर्थ का संप्रेषण भिन्न नहीं होना चाहिए। समालोक समुत्पाट
Abstraction ki paribhasha : kisi devi, devata sati aadi ke liye banaaya hua chhota chaura ya chabootara jisake oopar ek chhota sa stup jaisa bana hota hai
ExamplesAbstraction synonyms
remoteness contemplation reflection reverie thinking absorption daydreaming aloofness detachment engrossment musing trance consideration cogitation preoccupation brooding entrancement pensiveness pondering reflecting ruminating Abstraction antonyms
disdain disregard ignorance neglect Usage of Abstraction in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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