Acceptable meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुरुप Ex:  While he states that relativism is acceptable in political options
अनुहरत Ex:  That culture was acceptable to the medieval church and feudal class. अनुहारि Ex:  The law may be acceptable अर्ह्य Ex:  Tarn wrote in an age where world conquest and warrior-heroes were acceptable उंच Ex:  50; "an acceptable result given the brevity of the subscales" . उद्धर Ex:  This was acceptable as long as only low performance aircraft were required उपावृत्त Ex:  Hold acceptable to कल्पिक Ex:  In terms of Administration and Arts, he said some acceptable variations in the size, quantity, etc पारय प्रभूष्णु प्राणाय्य युक्तरूप योग्य उ: कृषि योग्य भूमि की कमी। सजीदा सद्दश सलिंग सुकल्प सुखोचित
As adjective : अनुकूल Ex:  That is not acceptable . उ: उसके लिए अनुकूल वातवरण भी निर्मित किया जाय। अनुप्रवण Ex:  Whether this terminology is acceptable is a matter of debate अनुरुप Ex:  While he states that relativism is acceptable in political options अनुसाम Ex:  Is it now morally acceptable for the subject to detonate the device अनुहरत Ex:  That culture was acceptable to the medieval church and feudal class. अभ्मित Ex:  Welding glass #14 is an acceptable solar filter आनुकूलिक Ex:  Current recommendations state that when replacement feeding is acceptable आनुलोमिक Ex:  To make the RSV acceptable to Eastern Orthodox congregations उद्धर Ex:  This was acceptable as long as only low performance aircraft were required औपयिक Ex:  If it was acceptable to come to you काफ़ी Ex:  It means figuratively approve, find good and acceptable उ: काफ़ी सारे राजमार्गों का अभी भी विकास हो रहा है। ग्राहृ Ex:  These offers are acceptable ठीक उ: इसके ठीक दक्षिण में क़िला और नए बसे क्षेत्र हैं। दहिन प्रणाय्य प्रतिग्राह्य प्रसव्य प्रसादस्थ प्राप्तरूप मनोरम उ: यह अत्यंत मनोरम स्थान है। मुताविक मुस्तकीम मुस्तहकिम योक्तिक रैट वफ्क वैध ‡ संतोषजनक उ: गृहयुद्ध के बाद भी नाटकों का विकास बहुत संतोषजनक न रहा। सप्रमाण समुढ़ सलिंग साजगार सानुभाव सामन्य सारुप्य सार्थवत् सुग्राहृ सुपर्याप्त सुम्नी सुहूँ सेँठा सेँमुष सौँधी स्वीकार योग्य स्वीकारयोग्य स्वीकार्य उ: * सेवा की गुणवत्ता - स्वीकार्य विफलता दर को निर्धारित करता है। हस्तदक्षिण
Other : उचित Ex:  "an acceptable result given the brevity of the subscales" . उ: खरीदारी के लिये भी यह उचित स्थान है। गवारा Ex:  Such a proposal is not acceptable गृह्य Ex:  Taking a gentle violence to someone, Squeeze to accept something that is acceptable to him but he refused politely उ: दल के सदस्यों को वग्र्य, पक्ष्य, गृह्य भी कहते थे। ग्रहणीय Ex:  The service, the person of the employee not to its leaders was acceptable ग्राह्य उ: यह इन्द्रिय ग्राह्य और इन्द्रिय-अग्राह्य दोनों प्रकार का है। सन्तोषजनक
Acceptable ki paribhasha : sngit men ek prakaar ka taal praarthana ya aadesh ke uttar men prashn ke nahin svikratisoochak shabd nahin ka soochak avyay jo praayaः vaakyon ke aarnbh athava madhy men rakha jaata hai jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt vah naayak jo ek hi vivaahit stri men anurakt ho
ExamplesAcceptable synonyms
fair decent sufficient respectable common adequate tolerable admissible all right average big cool delightful hip kosher large okay on the ball passable pleasant pleasing standard swell trendy unexceptional welcome right on unobjectionable a-ok cooking with gas copacetic hep hunky-dory in the swim on the beam peachy keen up to code up to snuff Acceptable antonyms
unsuitable insufficient intolerable inadequate disturbing unacceptable unsatisfactory unwelcome poor unrespectable bad disagreeable Usage of Acceptable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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