Accession meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accession
As noun : अधिमिलन Ex:  We celebrated the Kings accession to the throne.
अनुवृद्धि (हयूम Ex:  This is due to the accession of Romania and Bulgaria अनुवृद्धि Ex:  The road to the signature of the final agreement of accession was long अभिगमन Ex:  China’s accession surely presents the world trading system with opportunities उ:   अभिगमन का स्तर इसराइली सुरक्षा निर्देशों के अनुसार बदलता रहता है। उच्चपद प्राप्ति Ex:  With the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union on January 1 उपसंचार Ex:  After Anne's accession गमि Ex:  Since the accession of new member states to the European Union in 2004 दाखिला Ex:  Victoria marked the fiftieth anniversary of her accession उ:   यूर्पी संघ के नागरिकों के लिए दाखिला मुफ्त है। पंजीकरण करना Ex:  Historians agree that this improved upon his accession to the throne. पइस Ex:   The accession of James I brought Bacon into greater favour पदग्रहण Ex:  His accession to the Macedonian throne? पदप्राप्ति Ex:  Word quickly spread of Constantine's accession to power पदारोहण Ex:  Heraclius offered peace terms to the Persians upon his accession परवेस Ex:  Having secured their accession पैझना Ex:  Not all accession attempts have been successful पैसारी Ex:  Patel's leadership enabled the accession of almost every princely state. प्रणिघान Ex:  After the accession of David I प्रपदन Ex:  With the Bolsheviks' accession to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk प्रवेश Ex:  After his accession to the empire उ:   किले में प्रवेश के लिए दस दरवाजे हैं। बारयाबी Ex:  The fruits of the earth, civil fruits, increase of animals belong to the owner by right of accession रसूख Ex:  The king, on his accession to the crown, donna, etc राजतिलक Ex:  The northern powers have pledged their accession this treaty उ:   अभिषेक - राजतिलक का स्नान जो राज्यारोहण को वैध करता था। राज्यप्राप्ति Ex:  The Pope, since his accession to the papacy उ:   इसी के साथ आर्यक की राज्यप्राप्ति की राजनीतिक कथा भी गुँथी हुई है। राज्यारोहण Ex:  The time of his accession to the throne, his wedding उ:   उन्होंने सन् १७९९ में राज्यारोहण किया । रुसख Ex:  There was accession to the father son of the marriage contract विगाह Ex:  This kingdom has grown by accession neighboring provinces विनिवेश वुरूद व्यतिभेद समुपस्था, समुपस्थान
Other : अवाप्ति Ex:  In 1901 the accession of Edward VII saw new life breathed into the palace. पहुंच Ex:  Croatia and Turkey are currently in accession negotiations उ:   बिहार से यह अभियान शुरू होकर बंगाल तक पहुंच गया। बढती Ex:  his joyous accession उ:   जैसे-जैसे आप की उम्र बढती है, आप और भी बेहतर होते जाते हैं।
Accession ki paribhasha : devataaon ke sthaan ko jhaadou dekar aur lip pot kar saaph karana animaadi aath prakaar ke aishvaryon men se ek jisase vaanchhit padaarth milata hai athava sab ichchhaaean poorn ho jaati hain baadhaashaanti ya mngal ke liye mntr padhakar kush aur doob se jal chhidkana ganit men uddharan badhane ya adhik hone ki kriya ya bhaav raajasinhaasan par kisi nae raaja ke baithane ki riti snbhaogaarth naari ke paas aana kisi snsthaa, kaaryaalay aadi men snmilit kiye jaane ka kaary naatak men kisi paatr ka rngamnch men pravesh
Accession synonyms
enlargement extension raise addition rise increase accretion augmentation increment inauguration attainment assumption succession induction investment taking on taking over acceptance consent concurrence assent acquiescence accedence
Accession antonyms
abridgment compression decrease reduction loss shrinkage subtraction dispute drop deduction decline fall disagreement repudiation
Usage of Accession in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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