Accessory meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accessory
As noun : अतिरिक्त उपस्कर Ex:  Another accessory was the remote lamp panel.
अतिरिक्त वस्तु या बातउपांग Ex:  Russian also is a necessary accessory of world communications systems . अधिक वस्तु Ex:  Another accessory was the winter trigger अनुकर Ex:  They function as accessory pigments in plants अपराध आदि में संगी Ex:  Helmets are classified as an accessory or an item of clothing by others. अपराध सहायक Ex:  Often, other accessory molecules are found anchored to the cell wall. असिस्टंट Ex:  Kerouac was arrested as an accessory in the murder of David Kammerer उत्तसाधक Ex:  accessory उपबृंही Ex:  An idea accessory उपवस्तु Ex:  desk accessory on which the paper is placed to write उपसहायक Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, in cases where the accessory is better than Main उपसाधन Ex:  It also said the same things that are the necessary complement or adornment, accessory of another उ:   केवल उनके पर्फुम्स और उपसाधन उनकी मौजूदा बुटीक से बेचे जा रहे थे। ऊपरी या बाहरी वस्तु Ex:  It means figuratively That which is essential in a thing which is mainly opposed to either the form or to the accessory एक्सेसरी Ex:  It said, in terms of architecture, the meeting of two buildings styles using any accessory which helps transition जायंट Ex:  Phrase accessory forming a separate and distinct sense from that of the sentence where it is inserted दादरस Ex:  Reducing a proposal, a problem to its simplest terms, at its simplest, this proposal Express this problem in the most simple, the most accurate, the most relieved of all accessory circumstance or indifferent परिगृहीता Ex:  The accessory follows the principal पीट पठिंगा Ex:  The accessory parts of a composition पूरक Ex:  This is an accessory उ:   पूरक आहार दिया जाना। पृष्ठपोषक Ex:  On the one accessory वदर्धक, वर्धक Ex:  The main accessory must go before the शिराकती संप्रयुक्तक सहयंत्र सहयोगी उ:   यह सदन संसद का सहयोगी सदन है। सहाइ सहायक अपराधी सहायक उ:   इन्द्र अपने भक्तों का रक्षक, सहायक एवं मित्र है। साथ देने वाला साहाय्यकर हमजोली हस्तप्रद
Other : उपसाधक Ex:  In terms of fortification, wolf hole, with a hole cut pile peak and serves accessory defense
Accessory ki paribhasha : jyautish kisi ke saath laga hua ya snyukt vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai vah vastu jisase kisi vastu ke angon ki poorti ho praanaayaam vidhi ke tin bhaagon men se pahala bhaag jisamen shvaas ko naak se khinchate hue bhitar ki or le jaate hain vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho vah jo kisi ke saath milakar koi kaam karata ho
Accessory synonyms
decoration component adornment appliance trim help extension extra addition accent appendix frill adjunct attachment appendage appurtenance trimming colleague plant helper conspirator ringer associate abettor stall assistant confederate subordinate partner aide accomplice shill insider co-conspirator
Accessory antonyms
decrease reduction lessening subtraction principal antagonist enemy opponent foe boss leader superior
Usage of Accessory in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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