Accidentally meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accidentally
As noun : अचांक Ex:  they met accidentally
अचांका Ex:  The other team won as Bhasker put the ball in his own goal accidentally अचांचकं Ex:  He stepped accidentally on the molehill. अचानक Ex:  Bill accidentally got on a bus bound for Miami . उ:   इसी दौरान उस मकान में अचानक आग लग गयी। अचानिक Ex:  I accidentally dropped the baby on the f loor . अनघोरी० Ex:  I let it slide by accidentally . अनायस Ex:  Todd accidentally pushed Marlene into Bill . आपाततह Ex:  The poor man accidentally set himself on fire . इत्तफाकन् Ex:  She accidentally struck John's hat off of him . कजाकार Ex:  Wisconsin was accidentally grounded. नागहाँ Ex:  I met him accidentally यकबारगी Ex:  I'm here accidentally
As adjective : घटनावश Ex:  He accidentally upsets his lover, Laurie, and she leaves him. दुर्घटनावश Ex:  Robinson had a dream that he was going to accidentally kill Doyle in the ring. उ:   दुर्घटनावश स्वयं अथवा स्वसंपत्ति को होनेवाली हानि।
As adverb : अचानक ही Ex:  I backed the car onto the flowers accidentally . अजकजा Ex:  He accidentally drowned the cat in the bathtub . अनजाने में Ex:  She poked herself in the eye accidentally . इत्तफाकन् Ex:  She accidentally struck John's hat off of him . कजाकार Ex:  Wisconsin was accidentally grounded. दैववश Ex:  A simple example might be accidentally hitting someone with a cricket ball. धोखे से Ex:  chance, opportunity is accidentally find a person, thing संयोग से Ex:  In accidentally संयोगवश Ex:  In terms of Grammar, he said personal impersonal verbs that become accidentally उ:   संयोगवश हिटलर को एक महान प्रचारक मिल गया था।
Accidentally synonyms
unwittingly unintentionally haphazardly by mistake fortuitously
Usage of Accidentally in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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