Accommodate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accommodate
As noun : के अनुरूप बनाना Ex:  This was also as to accommodate Hill's size 12 feet
As verb :
अतिसर्ग Ex:  Can you accommodate me with a rental car? आज्ञादान Ex:  The meeting house was not large enough to accommodate all. इल्तिफात Ex:  Dili's airport runway is unable to accommodate large aircraft. उपकारण Ex:  They also accommodate the different track voltages in use. उपयोगी करना Ex:  The government cannot accommodate the flood of migrants into the city. काम करना Ex:  To accommodate English-speaking Loyalists in Quebec के लिये उपयुक्त होना Ex:  Coaches are designed to accommodate anywhere from 18 to 72 passengers के लिये ठीक होना Ex:  A standard coach is designed to accommodate 96 seated passengers के लिये होना Ex:  In order to accommodate increased traffic, the terminal was expanded. गतिभंग Ex:  To better accommodate this species जगह होना Ex:  The Lockheed team chose twin booms to accommodate the tail assembly झोखना Ex:  To accommodate the large demand for floorspace in Nairobi टिमकना Ex:  To accommodate the growing middle class ठहरना Ex:  The Port can accommodate the largest cruise ships in the world. उ:   हाउसबोट में ठहरना सचमुच अपने आपमें एक अनोखा अनुभव है भी। ठाहरना Ex:  A conciliator, person charged accommodate a dispute, a trial, without having to take the law as the basis of its decision ठेना Ex:  Action accommodate ठैहैरना Ex:  Action to accommodate the feeling, to someone's taste to please him डेना Ex:  Art accommodate leather trimmed their hair, to make fur दीधना Ex:  Check to make us supper to accommodate us, etc देना Ex:  Few people would accommodate this kind of उ:   हमारी सरकार को इस ओर ध्यान देना चाहिए। ध्यान देना Ex:  He also said in a Certain way to accommodate pigeons परिनिर्वपण Ex:  in war as in war, must accommodate the time, the circumstances, however unfortunate they may be बखसीसना ‡ Ex:  It also means Stir fire an apartment with fireplace tweezers, and sometimes disturb wanting accommodate बिलबना Ex:  It must accommodate the use बैठ सकना Ex:  It must accommodate this business dispute, this quarrel मिलवना Ex:  It sometimes means Comply, to accommodate the scope of other मिलाना Ex:  It still says expedients and mitigations being proposed to reconcile the minds and to accommodate Affairs मेरवना Ex:  S ' time to accommodate मेराना Ex:  See if you would accommodate मेलना Ex:  Slight something S'en accommodate without attaching great importance रह[रख] सकना Ex:  This piece of land would accommodate the well, would accommodate his strong रहने के लिए जगह देना Ex:  This would accommodate up perfectly विष्टब्धि Ex:  To accommodate all, be easy to accommodate, an easy trade in all things in Life वौकाना Ex:  to be on track to accommodate संप्रतिपादन Ex:  We are on track to accommodate सन्निवृत्ति Ex:  We have allowed in our ranks, said of Made to accommodate a person in a company, in a group in a society सन्निवेश Ex:  We scattered to find to accommodate us समझौता कराना Ex:  What do you want us to accommodate you for your dinner? It also means Coiffer, arrange hair समवधान Ex:  Where are you staying right that world? I managed to accommodate the समायोजित करना Ex:  Where both genders can conveniently accommodate समाविष्ट करना[कराना Ex:  Which of the two genres can accommodate समुत्सर्ग Ex:  You have a beautiful horse, would you accommodate me? I accommoderai you to my house, if you want to buy it समुपचार Ex:  , Present olive branch, Give peace, make proposals to accommodate सहायता करना Ex:  , This evil adjusts to the plan you have, this does not accommodate it, are not suitable सहायता देना Ex:  Action to focus or to accommodate सहाय्यदान Ex:  In terms of cuisine, he said a special Manner accommodate pigeons, quail, etc साँपधरन Ex:  It accommodate a man of easy accommodation, It is easy to get along, to agree with him साति Ex:  Plier, trim, accommodate an espalier सुविधा करना हजर उ:   यह पश्चिमी हजर पहाड़ों के चरणों में स्थित है। समाविष्ट करना या कराना
Other : ठहराना Ex:  To accommodate English-speaking Loyalists in Quebec
Accommodate ki paribhasha : ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana
Accommodate synonyms
shelter welcome entertain rent contain take in hold supply harbor house domicile receive board quarter furnish put up integrate adjust modify adapt fit conform accord settle reconcile accustom attune proportion correspond coordinate tailor harmonize compose agree comply tailor-make bend over backwards go by the book go with the flow make consistent play the game shape up don't make waves don't rock the boat provide afford sustain help serve defer pamper humor support comfort please submit favor gratify oblige assist indulge arrange yield bow benefit aid convenience
Accommodate antonyms
reject disarrange block frustrate hinder impede limit obstruct prevent turn away turn out bar stop unsuit disorder refuse deny unfit differ fight mismatch oppose disagree upset decline withhold disapprove annoy distress displease worry conceal hide thwart disappoint mix up injure take be mean hurt neglect trouble disturb confuse
Usage of Accommodate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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