Accommodative meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accommodative
As adjective :
अंजु Ex:  be difficult to live, be a cranky, difficult character, and figuratively, be difficult to handle, be an unfortunate mood, little accommodative अकल्कल Ex:  , be flexible like a glove, be an easy mood and accommodative अकितव Ex:  It means, figuratively, Who is docile, complacent, submitted that the accommodative mood, flexible mind to others' wishes अकुटिल अजिह्म अविलष्ट पध्धर ललित, वृक्षधूप समंजनशील सरल उ:   मोटे तौर पर सरल और गौण विलगन ये दो प्रकार हैं। सुखगम सूधा सौँहट सौखा ‡
Accommodative ki paribhasha : yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed ya avastha jisamen koi klesh apane poorn roop men vartamaan rahata hua apane vishay ka grahan karata rahata hai chid ka ped jisase gndhaabiroja nikalata hai
Usage of Accommodative in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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