Accomplice meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accomplice
As noun : अपराध में साझी Ex:  That man must be Mr Nath's accomplice in crime .
अपराधसंगी Ex:  Deliver his accomplice जुर्म में साथी Ex:  If guilty of a crime, accomplice to a felony पाप सहभागी Ex:  It became his accomplice सह अपराधी Ex:  It is not an accomplice to the crime सहअपराधी Ex:  Pulcinella and his accomplice सहापराधी Ex:  Whoever is found with the guilty is supposed accomplice
Other : अभिषंगी Ex:  He made the accomplice of his hatred सह Ex:  It was such an accomplice उ:   ‘दुबई रिटर्न’ में उनके सह कलाकार अभिनेता इरफान खान थे।
Accomplice synonyms
collaborator conspirator aide associate colleague plant assistant abettor accessory stall confederate partner co-conspirator insider
Accomplice antonyms
antagonist enemy adversary opponent
Usage of Accomplice in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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