According meaning in hindi

How to pronounce According
As verb : जैसे कि Ex:  O Levels and A Levels in Tanzania, according to the NECTA syllabus.
ज्यों―ज्यों Ex:  GERD may be common in difficult-to-control asthma but according to one study मिलता हुआ Ex:  These seats are distributed according to "degressive proportionality"
Other : के अनुसार. Ex:  Abdul divided the profits among the shareholders apportioning them according to the numbers of their shares . के अनुसार Ex:  ² according to a local Guangzhou government report on October 30 758 तहत Ex:  Hiuen Tsang refers to the name as Kaofu, which according to Dr. उ:   इसके तहत भारत सिक्किम का संरक्षक हुआ।
According ki paribhasha : sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai
According synonyms
bestow confer vouchsafe accede acquiesce render concede admit award allow tender endow present conform affirm correspond square concur fit tally assent jibe suit harmonize match be in tune
According antonyms
refuse withhold deny protest dissent dispute reject challenge disallow disapprove take disagree argue oppose question contest differ clash
Usage of According in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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