According to meaning in hindi

How to pronounce According to
As noun : के अनुरूप Ex:  The classification of books in the library is done according to the subjects.
के अनुसार Ex:  It was completed, according to Tesla, by the end of the 1930s.
Other : के अनुसार. Ex:  I am a libra according to star-signs. बकौल Ex:  "Greatness," according to Fielding बर Ex:  But according to the other latest sources from U.S. Department of State
According to synonyms
as reported by as stated in conforming to in agreement with in consonance with in keeping with in line with just as pursuant to to the degree that
Usage of According to in sentences

The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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