Accordingly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accordingly
As adverb : अनुबंधो Ex:  she acted accordingly
इस रीति से Ex:  The Carnegie Institution at Morley's urging accordingly hired Thompson तदनुसार Ex:  They were accordingly handed over to the Soviet Government. उ:   तदनुसार उनके पाँच संग्रह संगीति कहलाने लगे। तद्नुसार Ex:  The terrain is such that the coastal plains are rich and accordingly उ:   तद्नुसार मैं उनके पास गया, वैसे उनके साथ हमारा पारिवारिक संबंध था। परिस्थिति के अनुसार Ex:  A meeting was accordingly convened, and took place this evening. फलस्वरूप Ex:  I received your letter and I will act accordingly उ:   फलस्वरूप उसे 'नौलखा मंदिर' भी कहते हैं।
Other : इस कारण से Ex:  Homes in our town are reappraised every five years and taxes are increased accordingly इसलिये Ex:  He accordingly emerged a grown man with a full grey beard and long earlobes उ:   इसलिये उनको हनुमान का नाम दिया गया। फल Ex:  accordingly उ:   ख़ुबानी का फल एक छोटे आड़ू के बराबर होता है।
Accordingly synonyms
appropriately thus properly therefore subsequently consequently duly equally ergo hence so suitably then proportionately respectively correspondingly as a consequence as a result fitly in consequence in respect to in that event resultantly under the circumstances
Accordingly antonyms
inappropriately unsuitably
Usage of Accordingly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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