Accredit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accredit
As noun : प्रत्यायित करना Ex:  This new does not accredit
As verb :
अधिकार देना Ex:  Though there are quotes in Arul Nool to accredit the ten Avatars of Vishnu अधिकार पत्र के साथ (राजदूत आदि) भेजना Ex:  accredit the service of someone अधिकृत करना Ex:  Start a business, a company's awareness, accredit अधिस्वीकृति देना Ex:  Taking favor, If accredit प्रतीत पत्र देना Ex:  This merchant begins to accredit प्रमाणित करना मान्यता देना श्रेय देना
Accredit synonyms
assign credit charge ascribe refer authorize appoint entrust certify empower enable okay license recognize sanction commission endorse approve guarantee vouch for
Accredit antonyms
deny disapprove reject refuse disallow prevent veto oppose disagree unauthorize
Usage of Accredit in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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