Accreditation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accreditation
As noun : अधिस्वीकृति Ex:  Institutional accreditation helps the institute to function well.
आधिकारिक मान्यता Ex:  A sharp mind, a mind devoid of accreditation प्रत्यायन Ex:  Place Marina, Cottage only for the accreditation उ:   प्रत्यायन मानक यूरोप में एक समान नहीं हैं। प्रमाणन Ex:  Talents Society, Talents that provide accreditation in social gatherings मान्यता Ex:  There ' is in use in the phrase: From pleasure, Which serves only pleasure, accreditation उ:   मान्यता है कि यही थी भगवान श्रीराम की राजधानी।
Accreditation ki paribhasha : .... svikrati ya praamaanikata
Accreditation synonyms
diploma sanction voucher recommendation deed testimonial title character passport endorsement document authorization papers missive card certificate license token testament docket proof documentation letter of credence letter of introduction permission summons subpoena permit ticket pledge warranty right pawn authority tag guarantee basis commission authentication assurance foundation okay earnest go-ahead word security carte blanche green light sticker ducat shingle verification official document
Accreditation antonyms
disapproval refusal veto prohibition denial uncertainty breach break
Usage of Accreditation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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