Accuracy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Accuracy
As noun : अकखड़पन Ex:  he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass
खरापन Ex:  In order to achieve this level of accuracy तत्वता Ex:  While he aims for historical accuracy तथता Ex:  The reports in particular praised the accuracy of the rifle तथाभाव Ex:  British gunners lacked the accuracy to bring fire in on close German trenches नफ्स Ex:  More recently, scholars have discounted the accuracy of this critique. परिशुद्धता Ex:  It offers comparable accuracy as the Kattan preoperative nomogram उ:   इनकी परिशुद्धता लगभग १ डिग्री सेल्सियस थी। पाकबाजी Ex:  The modern sniper rifle is usually capable of accuracy better than 0.3 mrad . पाको Ex:  Critics have questioned Wikipedia's reliability and accuracy प्रशुद्धि Ex:  This view assumes neither accuracy nor directly communicating parties प्रायत्य Ex:  Once strings containing those two characters can be copied with 90% accuracy फरचई, फरचाई Ex:  , Only truth offends, The most sensitive are those reproaches that we deserve and which one feels oneself accuracy यथार्थता Ex:  Accuracy, grammatical accuracy उ:   यह ०.१� की यथार्थता से नतिकोण माप सकता है। यथार्थ्य Ex:  Attention minute accuracy लताफत Ex:  Experiments made with accuracy वस्तुभान Ex:  Fill with homework accuracy वस्तुभान Ex:  Fill with homework accuracy विशुद्धता Ex:  In terms of versification, rhyme Wealth, Accuracy, accuracy rhyming paid to Just what -delà शुद्धता Ex:  Inquire accuracy because उ:   २. बालकों में भाषा शुद्धता का विकास होता है। सचैयत ‡ Ex:  It also means a High accuracy to observe the rule, to fulfill its duties सत्यता Ex:  It also means with accuracy सिदक Ex:  It also says in the direction of make, especially when speaking of things that require care, accuracy सिदक Ex:  It also says in the direction of make, especially when speaking of things that require care, accuracy सिदाकत Ex:  It is said to similar effect Geometric accuracy सिदाकत Ex:  It is said to similar effect Geometric accuracy हक्कानीयत Ex:  Make VERIFY also means seeing the truth, accuracy of a thing, of a proposal, an assertion हक्कानीयत Ex:  Make VERIFY also means seeing the truth, accuracy of a thing, of a proposal, an assertion
Other : परिशुद्धि Ex:  The weapon had greater range and accuracy than submachine guns
Accuracy synonyms
veracity skill truthfulness certainty efficiency strictness incisiveness exactitude closeness sharpness carefulness meticulousness preciseness sureness mastery exactness verity accurateness skillfulness faultlessness definiteness definitiveness definitude
Accuracy antonyms
inability erroneousness falsehood inaccuracy mistake
Usage of Accuracy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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